The Race To The Starting Line

The Foundation

Our Mission…


We bring awareness to a disease which affects 1 in every 8,000 people.


We are focussed on educating people around the world about Spinal Muscular Atrophy.


We are developing initiatives to help those who are suffering from SMA.


What is Spinal Muscular Atrophy?

Where Does SMA Come From?

What Does Atrophy Mean?

Are There Different Types of SMA?

Is SMA preventable?

Is There a Cure?

We would like to thnk all of the people who are wroking didigently in the background of this Foundation to help us realize our goals.
Max Brault

Max Brault


Max has focused on employment equity and workplace accessibility
for people with disabilities.

Dean Emerick Headshot

Dean Emerick

Digital Strategist

He is an expert in digital communications, organic SEO and all facets of online marketing.

Get in Touch

Because we really want to hear from you....

Find us (Not Quite) at the office

You will find us working diligently from remote locations across the National Capital Region of Ottawa, ON. But do send a message. We would love to hear from you. 

Contact Us

Want More Info on SMA?

We like to hear from everyone, so drop us a line!

We will not send you spam. Our team will be in touch within 24 to 48 hours Mon-Fri (but often much quicker)
Thanks. We will be in touch.
Max Brault SMA Foundation Skip to content